Nowadays due to hectic schedules, most people suffer from leg and arm pain but never give complete attention to such pains. Does one realize it is often varicose veins during which veins swell and starts accumulating more blood than required and restricts blood flow in the right direction? If
In a rare display of expertise and alacrity, a team of specialists at the Columbia Asia Hospital here successfully helped a stroke patient recover within few hours. However, they applauded the family of the patient who managed to bring him to the emergency services department within 3 hours of stroke.
An embolism may be a grume that happens within the lungs. It can damage a part of the lung thanks to restricted blood flow, reduce oxygen levels within the blood, and affect other organs also. Large or multiple blood clots are often fatal. The blockage is often life-threatening. consistent
Angioplasty: About one-third of patients with arteria coronaria Disease (CAD) undergo coronary angioplasty and stenting per annum, over 3 hundred thousand angioplasties are wiped out India In spite of being common, there’s a prevailing lack of awareness about the procedure What is Angioplasty? A non-surgical procedure with no cuts or
Are you facing very frequent leg or arm pain then you must consult Dr. Yadav Munde is the vascular surgeon in Pune and must get a diagnosis. It can be a vascular disorder that may begin to anxiety in your daily physical activities. Before going for diagnosis do you need
It is a general strategy for people to skip breakfast because they are in a hurry or want to lose weight or feel lazy to cook breakfast. About one-third of people worldwide skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it is the meal that makes