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Central Venous Access Device

Purpose of Central Venous Access Device

  1. To infuse fluids (allows for large volume boluses)
  2. No peripheral access
  3. To infuse TPN
  4. To infuse medications
  5. To sample venous blood (when no peripheral access is available)
  6. To provide a method for hemodynamic monitoring i.e.: right atrial and PA pressures(acute care setting)

Blood Vessels involved in Central Venous Therapy

  1. basilic
  2. cephalic
  3. axillary
  4. jugular
  5. subclavian
  6. innominate
  7. These veins all lead
  8. to superior vena cava                                  

Central Venous Access Devices






2.Hickmann Line





3.Short term central catheter

4.Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter